Bee English Dictionary

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  • v  hit with the hand
  • v  beat overwhelmingly
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whoop it up
  • v  celebrate noisily, often indulging in drinking; engage in uproarious festivities
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  • v  become broader or wider or more extensive
    The road widened
  • v  make (clothes) larger
  • v  make wider
    widen the road
  • v  extend in scope or range or area
    widen the range of applications
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  • v  have and exercise
    wield power and authority
  • v  handle effectively
    The burglar wielded an axe
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  • v  send a signal by waving a flag or a light according to a certain code
  • v  signal by or as if by a flag or light waved according to a code
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win back
  • v  recover something or somebody that appeared to be lost
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win over
  • v  make (someone) agree, understand, or realize the truth or validity of something
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wind up
  • v  finally be or do something
  • v  give a preliminary swing to the arm pitching
  • v  stimulate sexually
  • v  coil the spring of (some mechanical device) by turning a stem
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  • v  examine the shop windows; shop with the eyes only
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  • v  ride standing on a surfboard with an attached sail, on water
    You cannot windsurf when the air is completely still
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wine and dine
  • v  eat sumptuously
  • v  provide with food and drink, usually lavishly
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